On-line Application for In-House Counsel Insurance

We’re Lawyers Insurance Group, legal malpractice insurance brokers.

Our mission is to obtain the broadest Employed Lawyers Insurance coverage at the best price for every in-house attorney.

We accomplish this via aggressive comparison shopping on their behalf, leveraging our access to all “A”-rated insurers that cover in-house counsel. We also provide attentive service, expert advice, and strong coverage advocacy if you incur a claim.

Fill out and submit the online form below to obtain no-cost, no-obligation quotes. Put any relevant information not captured by the form, in the "Message" box.

We’ll send your application to all viable insurers, based on your in-house counsel risk profile, contact you when we receive their quotes, and answer all of your questions. It’s a low-key process, without any sales calls or pressure.

For assistance, contact Curt Cooper, Principal Broker: ccooper 'at' lawyersinsurer.com, or (202) 802-6415.

* indicates a required field; put "N/A" if the question doesn't apply. Answer "Yes" for each practice area that accounts for 5% of the total work done by all of your organization's in-house attorneys. Otherwise, answer "No".